
College Admissions Guidance

The college admissions process is stressful. And if you’re like most parents of high school students, you’ve probably lost your fair share of sleep worrying about it — and that’s before you’ve even thought about the price tag! From one-on-one comprehensive support to smaller application and essay packages, I offer a number of personalized services to help you navigate the college planning process.

Why Hire a College Consultant?

School counselors are amazing, but most of them are overworked. According to recent stats, the average counselor serves nearly 500 students! Time constraints simply don’t afford them the time to support students on an in-depth basis during the college admissions process. That leaves you, the parent, as the chief college finder, essay proofer, application checker, and all-around nag. It’s a lot. Hiring someone to help you — whether for the entire process or just for certain steps along the way — can alleviate stress and make college planning easier for everyone.